Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Making of Cuckold: The Sequel

MAKING OG CUCKOLD: THE SEQUEL By Matt Moreau James: Jana has been watching me ever since we have returned from Ben and Claire's. She could tell I was thinking of all that had happened and she was worried. Her plan to deny me sex, and that forever, was weighing on me. I was pretty sure she knew it too. I haven't said anything. I have been as obedient as before. But, I just couldn't help feeling?I don't know?maybe abandoned. I have a bad feeling. I love Jana, but to never have sex with her again? My own wife? I am fast coming to the realization, that if I can't have her, that I will just have to leave her. I love her too much to end up a de facto eunuch. The scene with Ben that weekend will not leave me, and I cannot think why Jana and Claire thought it was so funny. I have to face facts: Jana apparently doesn't love me as much as I love her. It's only a matter of time before I get up the courage to confront her or maybe even just leave, save us all the hassle. But, I am still holding back waiting for her to say or do something that will make things okay again?hope springs eternal as said the ancient. I am getting ready for work at my new job. I will be creating and modifying software for HardDrive Inc. Beginning today. I will be making in the mid six figures, and the benefits are fantastic. I love computers! She is waiting for me in the kitchen. "Morning, honey," she said. "Coffee?" I smiled a plastic smile in her direction, "Sure, and some toast and jam too," I said. "Got it," she said. She seemed pleased to be able to do something for me. Her words made me feel a little bit better about her. "Thanks," I said. We sipped our coffee and munched our toast making small talk as husbands and wives do at that early hour of the day. "First day," she said, "excited?" "Yes, kinda," I said. "But it's no biggee. I can do what they need done, so it'll go smooth I guess." "I'm sure of that," she said. "Honey? Is something bothering you?" she said. "You seem?" "I'm okay." But my tone indicated that I was not okay. She winced. "It's about the weekend we spent up north isn't it," she said, ignoring my 'okay' remark. "No, really, I'm okay," I said. I looked at my watch. "I gotta go." I slurped another sip of coffee, rose, grabbed my briefcase, and left. I am still wimping out not wanting to do battle, at least not yet; I could just kick myself. Jana: "Hi Claire ... yeah it's me ... fine ... yeah, it's about James ... uhuh ... he's despondent ... I think we may have made a mistake not letting them have us ... yeah, that's what I think too ... uhuh ... yeah it was a dirty trick ... you're coming down Saturday ... okay later ... yeah we've got a lot of mending to do ... yeah, okay, I'll let you get back to it," she hung up. Something is wrong, and I know it. James won't admit to it, but it was the weekend that we were up to Ben and Claire's. Denying him and Ben sex was a mistake, maybe a big mistake. I knew when I looked into James eyes that night it had been a mistake, but I couldn't take it back, show weakness. The worst of it was that I have told him he could never have sex with a woman, any woman, again. It was bullshit of course. I know a man can't go forever without getting any. But, at the time it was part of the scene, just empty words. But, now I've got a problem. I have to take them back, the words, without losing control of the lifestyle that he says "he" wants, and yes, that I want. But now, how to fix it without giving up all of the groundwork we have built up to now. I'm not ready to give up the men, and neither is Claire; we likely never will be ready. Our husbands are willing cuckolds and it's for their own good that we enjoy ourselves. In every way but intercourse they are being treated better and more lovingly than they ever have; certainly that's true of James. So, if I give in and let James dictate to me now, I know it will be the beginning of the end of what we have. But, on the other hand, could I lose him? That would be intolerable; I love him. No, I don't really think I'll lose him, but I do have to consider the possibility. If I had to make a choice?gawd! that would be the worst. Claire and Ben will be coming down Saturday. We'll fix things then?somehow. I have the very strong feeling that Saturday and Sunday will be the mother of all weekends, and that in more ways than one. "Let me help you with those bags, Ben," I said picking up one of the big ones. "Thanks, brother," said Ben. We trailed behind the two women as they went into the house. Lunch was buffet. Jana had put together the makings for tacos and had made sure there was plenty of beer and wine in the frig. Talk at lunch was animated and we laughed and ate and then adjourned to the sundeck at the rear of the house. "Honey, I'm going to take Claire inside and show her the new clothes you bought me last week. You and Ben stay here and visit, okay?" "Sure thing," I said. The ladies disappeared into the house. I knew that they were going to be talking about us, or at least me. I wanted them to. Besides, I wanted to talk to Ben anyway. "I took a seat at the picnic table. The umbrella over it was no longer protecting us from the waning sun, but I had my sunglasses and my hat, so it was all right. Ben sat with his back to the sun, so he was okay too. "They're talking about you," said Ben. "Oh? And you know that how?" I said. "Maybe they're talking about you." I laughed. "No, it's about you. Jana's worried that you're upset with her, with the whole deal," he said. He knew I knew what he was talking about. I nodded taking on a more serious aspect. "Jana called earlier in the week. She thinks they, the girls, may have gone too far," said Ben. "What do you think, Ben?" he wasn't ready for me to pin him like that. "I mean, really?" "I don't know. Sometimes the girls, well, they do go too far. They're women; it's their job to be unpredictable," he said. "Are you okay with never having sex again with Claire?" I said. "because I'm not okay with never having it with Jana, and that's the long and the short of it as far as I'm concerned." "I figured that. It's tough for me too," he said. "For now, I am going along with it. How about you? Whaddya thinking? Are you going to lay down the law? What? I mean if it's intolerable for you." "Not sure yet. I am not happy with the way things are developing, like I say. I know I'm her cuckold and probably always will be. But, never to make love to her again while other men use her with no problem? No, it ain't gonna be that way. I am not happy with that. I don't know how long I can take it. I just know I won't be able to take it for long," I said. "You saying it that way makes me wonder about the same things," he said. "I love Claire, but to never?" "Exactly," I said. "I don't know, but I have a feeling that things will be coming to a head this weekend. I'm just not sure if that's going to be a good thing or a bad thing. I don't want to lose her; but, maybe I already have." I leaned back and waited for Ben to say something. "Hmm," he said at last. About half an hour later Jana called from the house. At that moment, I didn't know it but the moment of truth had arrived. "Boys, come on and get yourselves in here, okay?" Ben and I looked at each other. We tilted back the two dying Indians and put the empties on the table and strode back into the house. What greeted us were two stunning women in stockings and high heels and nothing else. I stared. Ben stared. We were momentarily shocked. I looked around to see if some men had arrived. No sign of any. I was confused, and Jana could see it. "Honey, this is for you and Ben. There are no other men going to be here tonight," she said. She was all bubbly. Clearly Claire and she had decided we needed some bucking up. "You decided?" I was stopped, stupefied. But her words?my cock which had begun its rise, wilted in my pants. "I can't," I said. I walked quickly to the front door and out. I got in my car, which was parked at the curb, and drove off. Two stunned women and a confused brother-in-law went to the door after I'd passed through it and watched in surprise as I left. "Oh shit, Claire, what have we done!" said Jana. "I?I don't know," said Claire. "I mean we didn't do anything. I thought you said he needed to have sex with you? Could it be something else? Could you have missed the signals?" "Ben!" they said at the same time. "I'm not sure," said Ben. "Jim is confused. Confused as you are. He thinks you don't love him, at least not as much as he loves you." "What are you talking about, you crazy oaf," said Claire. "Does this look like we don't love you two?" her hand swept down her body indicating her nakedness and Jana's and their clear willingness to be fucked." Ben snickered. "For a couple of pretty smart babes you two are sure acting like idiots. You don't look like loving wives you look like a couple of cheap ass hookers!" "What the fuck!" said Claire, smarting at the unexpected insult. "Ben, have you lost your mind!" "No. Jana, where does James like to go if he wants to unwind, have a drink, whatever," said Ben. "Uh, the Dog House. It's a sawdust joint about half a mile down the road. But why..." "You two just stay here?and get dressed. Neither he nor I are interested in fucking a couple of sluts; we, both of us, are looking for love. Try and understand that before we get back," he said. Jana had been right. Entering the Dog House, Ben spotted James at the bar. He was downing some sort of brown whiskey not beer. He was clearly trying to get himself loaded. "Hi brother," said Ben coming up behind his quarry. "Oh hi, Ben. I guess they're pretty mad, huh?" "More shocked than mad I think. I told them to get dressed by the time we get back." "I'm not sure I'm going back. I'll need a bunch more of these before I can make that decision," I said. "Really?" "Yeah, I think so. When I saw them there?I started to get physically sick. They were treating us like one of their dates. I don't want to be a date, and I don't want them making the decisions for me about sex. It's all clear to me now. I need my wife not a femdom mistress. I know she's not going to go for that, so it's over. I think I've decided to file for divorce Monday." "Wow," said Ben. "That's heavy. Are you sure about this?" "No, I'm not sure. I love that woman with all of my heart, but she doesn't love me, not like I need at any rate." "I'm not sure you're right about that," said Ben. "I think our wives are acting stupid, but I am equally sure that they do love us and only us. They've just gotten caught up in the game and don't see a logical path to?what?adjust things so as to make them run smoother." "I don't know, Ben, I'm afraid I don't see it the same way you do," I said. "I think you would," he said, "if you had seen their faces not only when you left just now, but me too. I kinda laid it on them." "Oh?" "Yeah, I told them they were idiots for not realizing what they were doing and to get it together before we got back." I laughed. "You've got balls of brass, young man," I said. "Maybe I will go back with you. I really am curious to see how they react. But, before I do go back, if I do, I am going to have several more of these delightful cocktails." "What are those things, anyway?" said Ben. "Brandy manhattans," I said. "I got the next round," said Ben. Delighted to accommodate yuh," I said. It was getting close to 10:00PM when Ben and I mounted the steps to my house. Drunk as skunks we were, but not too drunk to understand that what awaited us inside might not be all that pleasant. Staggering through the door arms around each other, we couldn't see a thing. The room was dark. There was not light in the kitchen, nothing. The lack of any sign of life sobered me a little. I looked at Ben. "The cars are out front," he said. "Unless they called a cab or something. They're here." I reached to turn on a light. Glancing around I saw a full sized sheets of loose-leaf paper taped above the fireplace. I went to it. "No," I said. "They got a ride from someone else. They're on a date." Ben's face fell as far as did mine. "That's it for me," I said. "I'm leaving her, and I'm doing it now." "James?" "Save it, Ben. This is a message, and I get it. I'm through." I headed upstairs. I grabbed a couple of suitcases from the walk-in and began loading them up with the things I'd need. I knew I'd have to come back at some point to get the rest, but Jana and I were quits. Heading back downstairs, Ben was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. He looked up when he heard me. "Ben, give my love to the girls, especially to Jana. But, tell her I can't do it anymore," I said. "I've decided that vanilla is going to be my flavor from now on. Call me ordinary." He nodded. I turned at the door. I could see he was hurting too. "You gonna be okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess. I don't have the balls to leave. If you need anything. Well, you know my cell." "Yeah," I said. And, I left. Ben awoke to the sound of a car engine coming into the driveway at 2:00AM. He waited in the dark for the women to enter. They weren't alone. The brightness of the light caused him to squint from his makeshift bed on the couch. "Geezsus, that's bright," he said. "You boys go into the kitchen for a minute, okay," Claire's voice said. "We'll be along." Ben watched as two men, one black and one white disappeared into the kitchen. "Is James asleep upstairs?" said Jana, sounding a little miffed. "No, he's gone," said Ben. "Gone? Gone where?" said Jana. "Gone. He's leaving you. He made the decision when he read your note. I think he's filing for divorce on Monday." Jana was stunned. She looked at her sister. "Claire?I?" "Ben, did he say where he was going?" said Claire. "Haven't got a clue, and I'm not sure I'd tell you if I did." "Fuck! Sonovabitch! This wasn't supposed to happen. We were just tryin' to teach him a lesson," said Claire. "Well, you two idiots have. He gets it, Jana. You don't love him as much as you love your little lifestyle. He gets it and he doesn't like it. And as for you my idiot wife; well, I'm not all that sure that I won't be following in his footsteps. So if you have a brain in your pretty head, you'll send those two playmates you picked up back where they came from and sit down to talk?with me. Your choice." Claire stared at him with a shocked look on her face. He'd not used that tone of voice with her?well?ever! "Ben, what has gotten into you..." "Shut the fuck up, Claire. Either get rid of the riff-raff in there, or I'm leaving too. I'm not bluffing." The two women looked at each other. Jana nodded. The two of them went into the kitchen. There was some yelling, but the two frustrated men came storming out of the kitchen and left cursing as they did. He hadn't noticed until now, but he was taken with the sexiness of the two women's attire. "You look sexy, both of you," he said. "Ben, cut the crap. Tell us what's going on," said Claire. "James is hurting real bad, Jana. He came back with me, mostly against his better judgment; but I had gotten him to hoping things might be made right. Then, he found your note. Needless to say, it wasn't his idea of how to make things right. It may be too late now to get him to reconcile. "I can't believe you two fools actually tried to teach him a lesson by getting two more studs to come here and cuckold him, us, again. There just aren't words enough to describe how idiotic your idea was." "Ben, you've got to find him. I need to talk to him," said Jana. "He took a couple of suitcases with him. He'll be finding a place to stay for a few days at least. He said he'll be back for the rest of his stuff at some point, but he didn't say when. Jana, if he ever does agree to talk it out with you, you're going to have to be changing your positions on a lot of things. And, number one you better be a lot better listener than a talker if you have any sense left at all." Jana nodded and started to sob. "I've lost him, Ben. I've lost him. How could I be such a fool. Ben's right, Claire, this was a bad idea. Oh, I'm not blaming you; I'm just as responsible as you are." "Jana?I" "Claire, I'm going to bed. I need to be alone. You and Ben take the guest room as planned. We need to talk, but we'll do it in the morning. Hell, it already is morning. Well, later this morning," said Jana. She turned and went upstairs. Claire slumped into a chair across from her husband. "We thought?no I thought?that we could entice him back into the fold," said Claire. "Obviously there was more of a problem there than either Jana or I knew." "Obviously," said Ben, an edge of sarcasm in his tone. I called Frank Sexton my new boss and told him I needed some time off due to some very difficult personal circumstances. He was understanding, and I got the week I needed to get things done and to think. The Market Street bed and breakfast was a small hotel on the outskirts of town, but was close enough to my new job that when I did get back, I'd be able to save a lot of time in the morning. It had the virtue of a country western bar and grill downstairs as well. I rented a third floor walkup and sacked out a soon as I arrived. Since it was Friday night, or actually the wee-smalls of Saturday morning, I didn't have to be at work again for a full nine days. I needed the time to think, drink, and brood. The morning sun shattered any thoughts I had of maybe sleeping in. My dreams hadn't been worth a damn anyway. I grabbed my watch from the night stand next to my bed. It was almost 7:00AM. I decided to get cleaned up and take a walk, have a look around. My look around took three hours. I just kept walking. I wasn't even thinking. I was just walking. As I returned, and neared the hotel, I remembered the bar. I decided to check it out. After all, it was likely going to be seeing a lot of me. I got to the door and the sign read that the place didn't open until 2:00PM. Fair enough, I would get something to eat, maybe shower, and then come back later on. The food in the little in-house restaurant wasn't bad. I had a hamburger and some wedge cut fries. I flirted with the waitress, Annabelle was her name, but she was somber and not returning my very out of practice advances. As I sipped my third cup of coffee of the day, I saw Annabelle arguing or something with a guy wearing a tie, apparently the owner. She left him in a huff and returned to the restaurant and began giving refills to the sparse crowd in attendance. "Got a problem," I said, smiling, as she poured the black elixir into my mug. I indicated the spot where she had been having it out with the man. She sighed. "No, the manager is pissed off at my brother. He's supposed to be here. He was paid to fix the in-house server and he hasn't shown up. Anyway, the boss is blaming me for lack of another target," she said. "Server?" "Yeah, that computer thingy. You know, a server for the computer thingy here." "Oh yeah," I said, "the computer thingy. Hey, maybe I can be of help. Wanna take me to your leader?" "You? You know computer stuff. Yeah, it's my job. I can take a look at it. I mean if it would save your brother and you some grief." "Okay, if you wanna try. The boss is real uptight about it. I don't give a damn about the things myself," she said. She led me into the back offices and introduced me to George, the owner operator of the establishment. Turns out that the he owns half a dozen places just like the one I was staying. The server was important because it coordinated activity between them all. It handled costs, buys, registrations and a dozen other things. With the server down, control was lost. "James," I said, as Annabelle tried to introduce him to me. He showed me around and I saw his problem right away. It was almost too easy. I made a show of doing some heavy switching and software manipulation and had his system up and running in about twenty minutes. Needless to say my rent owed was zeroed out. Since I figured to be there for a week or more, the free rent more than made up for the exploitation of my genius. What it didn't make up for was my broken heart. For that I would need a talented bartender. I showed up at the bar at 2:00PM sharp. I had no more than finished my first Miller's than a woman, maybe forty-five or fifty, took the stool beside me. "Buy a girl a drink, mister?" she said. "Sure," I said. "Paula," she said. "James," I returned. "Here alone, James?" "Yeah, very," I said. She picked up on the very. "Wife problems?" I looked at her. Why I decided to unburden myself to her, I will never know. But, I did, and soon, and for the first time in many years, I found myself fucking a woman I was not married to. Turns out her husband left her, for a teeny-bopper?her words?and her situation was somewhat akin to mine. She was alone, and looking for answers at the bottom of a glass. She undressed for me and then she undressed me. She looked good. Slim, a few wrinkles, but otherwise smooth skin. She was also exceedingly adept at blow jobs. I don't know what her husband could have been thinking, but this was a jewel of a woman. I was reasonably sure that any woman under the age of thirty-five would be hard pressed to match her skills. When I went down on her she cried in gratitude. I, on the other hand didn't cry, but I did slurp and slobber a lot. She tasted great. We slept together that night cuddling and comforting each other in our respective misery. We went down to breakfast early and took our plates out on the porch, where a dozen tables waited. The morning chill was soon forgotten in our desire to talk. "So, do you have any plans to talk to her, James?" I looked at her. "I don't know. I suppose I will have to at some point. But, we are definitely not on the same page, and I'm at a place where compromise is not going to happen." "How about you, Paula? Any chance that your errant mate will figure out what he's lost, and if he does, would you take his cheating ass back?" "I doubt it. First, I am not willing to wait for him to discover that he's an idiot. And second he was pretty cruel to me. There are the kids of course. But they're grown and gone, so I don't know what I would gain by taking him back except a man who has shown just how disrespectful and untrustworthy he can be," she said. "Know the feeling." We talked for hours and I think it did us both some good. At least we were able to vent. She left for New York the following morning, her sister's place. As for me, I decided to hang out for a few days. I knew that Jana would be looking for me, and it gave me some satisfaction that that was likely the case. She could sweat for a change. On Thursday, I told George, the owner, that I would be heading out. Arriving in town, I headed first for my lawyers. I had decided to set the wheels for divorce in motion. If by some miracle the marriage could be saved, we would have six months to end the proceedings, but I was not sanguine about our chances. After taking care of the legal stuff, I hit the bank and transferred half of our money into a new account at another bank. I went to motor vehicles and transferred the ownership of the Volvo to Jana. My Ford was already exclusively in my name. She could have the house, but no alimony. She worked and made pretty good money too, so that would not likely be an issue. I asked Jess, my lawyer, to have her served at work. He agreed. It was Thursday, and I knew she'd be at work. I took that opportunity to go back to the house and get the rest of my stuff. Walking in I saw the letter taped to the TV. She was hoping I would see it. Jim, I was a fool. I haven't slept or eaten, not very much anyway, since you left. Please give me a chance, please. Call me at work or on my cell. Your loving wife, Jana. Short and sweet. I was tempted to call her. It had been hell every night thinking about her, but I decided to hold off calling until she was served. It would give me some extra torque in my talk with her "if" I discovered that there was going to be a chance for reconciliation. Jana was sitting at her desk flipping her pencil around. She was listless and tired. Claire and Ben had hung around for a few days, but their jobs required that they got back. They had left the day before. The knock on her door broker her out of her reverie. She got up to answer it. "Mrs. Caulfield?" said the man in the charcoal suit and glasses. "Yes?" "You're served," he said, handing her a manila envelope. He turned on his heels and left without another word. There are times in life when one can still be alive, but physically, not be able to think, hear, feel, taste, do anything. The sensation rarely lastly long, but it is never forgotten once experienced. Jana experienced such an instance now. She knew what the envelope contained and she was stunned. It couldn't be happening. Her eyes started to well-up. The tears came, and then the sobs. Minutes later a coworker found her sitting on a bench in front of the building. She'd needed to get out, to get some air, to breathe. The sun was cooking her face, but she didn't seem to care. "Jana?" said her coworker. "Oh, Marsha I?" She broke down sobbing. "I've been such a fool." The two talked for some minutes before Marsha was able to get her to come inside and at least get out of the sun and heat of the day. On her way home, Jana made a decision. All of the plans and fun and wild sex and playing around that had been her goals, and for that matter James' as well, were done forever, over, finished. If she got the chance, she was going to apologize abjectly to her husband and try to build a new-old relationship with him based on their undeniable love for each other?if she got the chance. A chance seemed but a remote possibility at that moment, but she was going to do her best to work in that direction. She had hope, faint as it might be, she still had hope. Saturday I called Ben. I wanted to meet with him. He was able to arrange coming down to the city. We planned to meet in town, not far from the house that Jana and I had shared for years until the blow up. "Drinks are on you," said Ben taking a seat in the booth across from me. "You got it," I said. "Well, you know why I called you." "Yes. And I can tell you a lot, but you really need to think over things before you decide. Those two women?mine as well as yours?are stricken," said Ben. "They know they blew it, and they will do almost anything to make it right with you." "I'm not doubting that you believe what you're saying, Ben. But, we've been down that road once already. What I'm saying is that if Jana thinks that I will be willing to compromise in this, in any part of it; then, she is going to find that she is sadly in error. Truth is, Ben, that I am not even sure I want to speak to her," I said. "But, tell me what you got." We spoke for an hour. Ben knew that Jana had been served and she had taken off from work and was staying with them. It seems that she was so devastated by the divorce papers that she couldn't function coherently. She and Claire had spent large parts of the last few days crying in each others' beer. "You really should call, Jana, one last time at least," said Ben. "You will have to anyway at some point. I say do it sooner rather than later. Man they're killing me with all of the cryin' and shoutin' at me, and even each other." "And you think that she'll listen rather than pull anymore shit?" I said. "Yes," said Ben. "Okay, tell her I will meet with her tomorrow, at our house." "Will do," said Ben. "And, Ben, let her know what I said to you here, okay. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding, Ben. There will be no compromise. Then first hint of anything that I consider unacceptable, I will up and walkout for good." "Got it," he said. "I'll let her know. I will call you to let you know the skinny." "That'll be good." I watched as he drove off. I decided to go home and relax. Tomorrow would be a full day. I got up late and showered and dressed. Then, I took a walk in a nearby neighborhood park. Watching the kids playing and family setting up barbecues for lunch made me think about how Jana and I should be doing the same things. But, we weren't. We were well on our way to getting divorced. Everything, for us as a couple, depended on what would happen today. I had been home from my walk for no more than half an hour when I heard the car pull into the driveway. I went to the window and looked out. Jana exited the car and leaned back against it for a moment in thought. I could almost see her mental wheels turning. She headed up the steps and came in. She dropped her handbag on the little table next to the entrance and looked at me standing across the room from her. "Jim? I am so sorry." She started to cry. I went to her and led her to the couch and sat her down. "Is it too late to stop the divorce?" she pleaded. That was a question that I didn't want to answer, couldn't answer, until I got some answers of my own. "I don't know, Jana. I guess that's what we are meeting to find out," I said, finally. "Oh Jim, anything!" she said. "I'll do anything. Just don't divorce me." "Jana?would you like some water?" I needed her to calm down and get her to think rationally. I knew that she didn't want a divorce, but what I was going to require she might or might not go for, so I wanted to slow things down a bit to get some coherent, well thought out answers from her first, not merely emotional ones. "Yes, please," she said. I returned with the water and she downed in one gulp. She had to have been thirsty. I imagined that she had driven straight through without so much as stopping for a cup of coffee. "Feel better," I said. "Yes, thank you," she said. "Jim, it seems that I have misread what it was that you wanted and needed. I wanted to please you, give you what you wanted. I thought I had it all figured out. Claire and I, well, we were way off base, both when we were up at their place and last week when we foolishly thought we would teach you and Ben a lesson..." "Okay, Jana," I said interrupting her. "You are right those things were the straws that broke the camel's back. When you told me that there would be no sex for me ever again?well?I became frightened. I can't live like that, Jana. I need sex, and I need it all of the time and when I say, not just when you have the time for me," I said. "I understand that, Jim. I am such a fucking idiot. That day last week when Claire and I played whores to get you all stirred up and?serviced?we thought it would turn you on. We were not prepared for what you did." "Then why did you leave me and Ben that note that you were going out on dates whether we liked it or not. That killed my heart, Jana, and for the record, Ben wasn't exactly thrilled either." "We know that now. Of all of the stupid things we did; that had to have been our crowning achievement. I wouldn't be at all out of sorts if you were to take the belt to my ass the way I did yours that day. I deserve it, and I would be grateful if you did," she said. "What about sex with me, Jana? I need to hear you tell me what you are willing to do? I need to know now," I said. "Any time any place," she said. "No limits, not ever." "And what about our agreement about respecting me and not allowing insults or foul language if we were to invite another man into the scene?" I said. "Huh?" "I said, if we were to allow other men into our little group, what about following the rules that we had already agreed to?" "I thought?that?I thought that you didn't want to?you know?" "Jana, I never said I didn't want to be cuckolded. I said I didn't want to be insulted or otherwise disrespected. I can't believe that you don't get it. You know me. You know I mean what I say, always." She looked at me and watched me closely. "James, I don't want to blow this chance, if it is a chance, to save my marriage. I wasn't going to make any demands today or really ask any questions. Whatever you wanted was what I was willing to give. But, I do have one question still to ask. Is that okay?" "Yes." "Are you saying?you know?that you still want to be cuckolded? Did I hear you right?" "Yes, but with conditions and you know what they are," I said. "Ja?Jam?James?wow," she said softly. "I don't know how to react, James. I really don't. I'm afraid, James," she said. "Don't be afraid, Just tell me if you agree?" I said. Her tentative smile said it all. It was almost 7:00PM and I was late. I was late because I wasn't sure if I even wanted to be there. Jana and I had made the decision to let other men have her, on occasion, and that I would be allowed to watch or not watch as I saw fit. I came into the kitchen and hesitated. I knew what I would find in the front room. I knew because I had just got off the phone with Jana ten minutes ago and she had told me. This was going to be the night. The rules were in place. The man?some guy named Bruce as I discovered later?was there; she'd found clerking in a supermarket. They were waiting on me. I walked into the room and Jana smiled at me. It was a smile right enough, but it was a worried smile. After all of the water that had recently passed under the proverbial bridge, she wasn't taking anything for granted. She would grant me my fantasy, and as time went on I would grant her hers, but only after we had both come to agreement for each future event as they occurred. She pointed at the wooden chair she had bought across the room from the couch that she and Bruce occupied. She said nothing, but rose up and followed me to it; she held a length of half-half inch hemp noose in her hand. I sat in the chair and she kissed me lightly on the lips; still no words passed between up. She slipped the noose over my head and around my neck tightening it to where I wasn't choking but to where it was quite effective in controlling me. She now secured it to the back of the chair allowing me very little freedom of movement. "Put your hand through the slats in the back of the chair," said Jana, her first words since I had arrived. I did as she said, and she handcuffed them behind me. She came around in front of me. She took my face in her hands and gently kissed me one more time. "I love you, my little cucky," she said. Picking up a strip of duct tape that had been loosely hanging from the nearby end table, she covered my mouth very completely. I wasn't going anywhere or saying anything for the next while. For his part, I could see that her lover, Bruce, was nervous. More nervous, if possible, than I was. I nodded in his direction almost imperceptibly, but he got it and nodded back; he didn't try to address me?so far so good, I thought. They were still fully dressed. Jana walked back to where Bruce sat waiting. He rose to meet here. They stood. She glanced back at me for a long moment, smiled, and turned back to Bruce embracing and kissing him. Breaking their embrace, Jana let her hands fall to her sides essentially allowing him free access to her. He reached out with his hand and touched her still clad breast. Jana's breathing picked up significantly. He turned her around and pressed against her backside. She was facing her bound and gagged husband, me. She read my eyes and the bulge in my pants. I was helpless to touch myself or to say or do anything at all. She let her tongue slowly, sensuously wet her lips while her lovers hands explored her body. Bruce began unbuttoning her blouse from behind having to feel his way as he searched for the buttons, but loving the challenge of it. At odd times he would glance at the me seated and vulnerable but eight feet from them. Her blouse open, Bruce peeled the garment from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor; Jana's arms still dangled at her sides; she was totally submissive to the man behind her. Bruce loosed her bra and let it fall too. He reached around and massaged her breasts and nipples. He had clearly been coaches as to how to bring me husband to a high state of excitement. The interesting thing about it was; that Bruce, at least so far had not done anything to insult or cause the man in the chair, me, to not want to be there. I watched the couple, now. He had her blouse and bra off and had gone to his knees to remove her skirt and panties. Jana's barren pussy was soooo beautiful. My cock throbbed, needing release, but I was cuffed and collared and unable to do anything; it was pure torture, but extremely erotic too. She turned him around and his hands fell to his sides. She got the message and began to undress him. In a trice he was as naked as she. She went to her knees and reached for his what had to be ten-inch pole. I stared. His dwarfed mine. Jealously began to consume me. I was a willing cuckold and humiliated beyond belief seeing his dick swaying in front of her face as she prepared to lick and suck it. Which she now proceeded to do. They were profile to me and I watched enviously as his head jerked back in pleasure as she fucked her own mouth. She stopped periodically to lick him and suck his balls into her mouth. She pulled back stroking his cock a few time; she glanced over at me. She could well see that I wasn't so much as blinking. She smiled a question at me: "was I okay?" her smile asked. I nodded her to go on. She rose they embraced. "Take me doggy-style, okay Bruce?" "You got it babe," he said. She came to my chair and placed her hands of the arms, leaning forward and pushing her butt back and spreading her legs so as to be able to accommodate the assault on her steaming pussy. She was staring into my eyes with her face but inches from mine as Bruce began to press into her from behind. "Oh, it feels so good, my cucky. It feels so good. He is so big and thick. Ugghh," she said, as he thrust all the way to the hilt in her. "Fuck! Oh, my gawd! that hurts," she screamed into my face. "Oh my, he's all the way into my pussy and pushing against my cervix. Oh shit!" He began screwing her and her eyes glazed over in pleasure as she got used to his huge cock. "I'm totally surrendering to him, James. He is mastering me, James. I have no choice. Oh shit! Oh shit! I'm cummmmmming!" She shook so hard that her forehead banged into mine and my eyebrow spurted blood. She looked with fear at the cut. I just waved her off with my head telling her with my movements not to worry, the blood leaving a trail down the side of my face. He took her missionary style next, then with her legs high on her shoulders as he filled her for the third and final time. They lay together exhausted for some minutes. They talked quietly and so softly that I couldn't hear. But it was obvious she was thanking him for a very good screwing. Bruce left with not a word to me, probably under orders from Jana. She smiled at me as she came back into the room after letting him out. She was still naked and cum dripped down her leg obscenely. She left me bound and gagged until she took her shower. Returning from her bath she peeled the tape from my mouth. I breathed better now. "Are you okay, baby?" she said. "Yes, but my cock is throbbing," I said. She laughed and came to me uncuffing me and untying the noose that held me fast to the back of the chair. She told me to get down on my knees, and holding the long end of the rope like a leash, she walked me as her doggie to the bed. She sat on the edge and pulled me between her spread knees. "Bruce left a present for you, cucky. Now, do your duty." I didn't have to be told twice. I licked and sucked and licked some more. I couldn't get enough. I tried to touch myself several times, but she told me to get my hands away from there until she said I could. It was no less than thirty minutes later that she removed the noose from me. "Husband, James, it's time for you to make love to me. And, I don't mean just fuck me." "Oh yeah," I said, about as enthusiastically as I ever said anything. And so I did. Bruce was invited back several times over the next months. Then, another big dicked lover replaced him. Jana never tired of coming up with ways to excite me. Ben and Claire were brought into the mix. Ben got the same deal from Claire that I had gotten from Jana. The future looked bright. 6211 1.70/512345

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